The same applies for saronite bombs, which you can craft mass amounts of by making boxes of bombs WoW cataclysm Gold and then selling the saronite bombs on the Auction House. You'll also be able to make either arrows or ammo which hunters will be buying regularly from the auction house, the amount of gold you'll make won't be huge, but definitely should be regular. And for the hunters again, you'll be looking at things like Heartseeker scope.
The only real issue with this is the fact it can't be compared to things like the belt buckle for blacksmithing because every single class and spec will want those because they use a belt you're targeting a very small audience with a scopes a worthy mentioned would also be the guns either the DPS gun or the tanking gun both heavy on mats and you wouldn't be pumping these out daily.
But you could definitely try and sell a couple of weak Inchon in it is really one of those that self explanatory and there really is nothing outside the obvious thing of buying villains from your fellow scribes or making them yourself if you have inscription on the same character or even Oh, and scanning the auction house for the chance that are selling well and always keeping a nice mix of indulgence on the Auction House. Remember it's also worth looking at the lower level insurance like 100 health on chest or even Crusader on weapon and anything like that because people will be buying these regularly for their heirlooms.
One piece of advice I could give is it's always worth looking through this list on popular sites like wellhead and looking at what in chance are recommended on each piece of gear and aiming at putting those volumes to sell on the Auction House for each slot but honestly outside of selling the insurance they're self crafting things with Taylor and D and and for Matt's just sell insurance on the Auction House.
You're sorted that's in short in a nutshell really and last but not least alchemy alchemy has so much gold potential because not only can every class and spec of all levels make use of your wares, you actually profit off of people's misfortunes of wiping and raids. So you want people wiping and you want difficult raid content, because the more they wipe the more they're going to need to buy your juicy potions of speed.
And of course, flasks similar to enchant in what you're going to be selling is fairly obvious your attack power flask, spellpower, flasks, or even stamina flasks, but there is a tiny bit of luck you need when doing your alchemy research, you really are hoping to get that potion of speed recipe sooner rather than later.
Because it is one of those that's going to be selling all the time. You definitely want access to a herbalist with Alchemy, but there really isn't a drop off in gold potential here. In fact, as the buy WoW Cataclysm Classic Gold game progresses forward, and the raids get more difficult the amount of consumables required go up, and you have more chances to sell them.