In the second phase, be aggressive and close the distance quickly.

Avoid distractions from summoned monsters and Elden Ring Runes focus on Rennala.

Godfrey, First Elden Lord:

Begin the fight with a powerful summon like Banished Knight Oleg.

Roll forward into long-reaching attacks and be wary of Godfrey's stomp.

Maintain a steady rhythm of attacks and retreat when necessary.

Morgott, The Omen King:

Use orange summons like Melina for healing and support.

Employ hit-and-run tactics, avoiding extended combos against Morgott.

Stay mobile, roll back to buy Elden Ring Items evade attacks, and capitalize on quick openings.

Starscourge Radahn:

Close the distance quickly while using cover to avoid Radahn's arrows.

Time your attacks carefully and retreat to safety after striking.

Utilize summons and plan your strategy for both phases of the battle.